Monday, September 19, 2011

How can I tell if I Need a new thermostat or to call a Tech.?

I can't get my thermostat to heat to the proper temp. I set it to 72, it heat to 60. A couple of week ago my husband ran into it. I have a feeling this may have affected it. The thermostat is a old honeywell with mercury. If it's out of balance, how could I tell and correct it?How can I tell if I Need a new thermostat or to call a Tech.?Those old thermostats work for ever! They are very dependable and rarely fail.

The problem is they MUST BE LEVEL! The mercury inside is liquid, and if it is not level it will not work right.

If it was bumped check to make sure it is level.

There is only one adjustment on it called a heat anticipator. It only sets how fast it calls for heat where it will either cycle a lot more when your a couple of degrees away from turning on, or turn on and off immediately everytime the temprature is not met or met.

With the cover off and a level you can fix it by adjusting it so it is level.How can I tell if I Need a new thermostat or to call a Tech.?R-W

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