Monday, September 19, 2011

How do i insert my thermostat on my car?

I have everything ready and clean but im not what direction to mount the thermostat. the net said with the power unit pointing towards the engine block. is that the little metal thingy about an 8th of an inch big?

How do i insert my thermostat on my car?long end go,s down inside blockHow do i insert my thermostat on my car?the spring on the thermostat goes into the block.How do i insert my thermostat on my car?the flat side is always facing up at you does that help? also some thermostats actually have stamped on the face this side toward engine so look for this as well. use sealer on the gasket to insure no leaksHow do i insert my thermostat on my car? most thermostats will only go in one way, sounds like you do what I do, pull something apart with little thought about how it goes back together. Have Fun!!!How do i insert my thermostat on my car?Best way to %26quot;insert your thermostat on your car%26quot; is to open the driver door, throw the box on the passenger seat, drive to the closest mechanic shop, and have them install it with the cone facing the engine block. Make sure you ask them to bleed the system... fancy word for burping the engine.

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